Brenda Morales

Looking for engaging and informative content for your site or blog? I can help you create:

  • Blog posts using reputable sources that not only inform your readers but keep them reading until the very end

  • Informative, well-researched case studies that shine a light on your success

Content is the heartbeat of your business. Your content is how you communicate to your clients, how you inform them, and how you soothe their anxieties. Trust and repeat business begin with the right words.Content in need of a refresh? I can review your existing material, ensure accuracy, and update it with the latest sources. Let's create content that stands the test of time.
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Hi, I'm Brenda, the pen behind Copyhound Freelance. As a former teacher and freelance writer, my journey into the world of words began with a humble start – summarizing a Twitter chat for a group of educators. It wasn't long before I found myself published in their online journal, and from there, the writing adventure took off.My freelance journey has led me from writing web copy to conducting research for an author and editing a science fiction novel. My diverse skill set isn't just a collection of experiences; it's a unique perspective. Drawing from my teaching background, I excel at problem-solving, creative decision-making, and understanding the nuances of deadlines and relationships.Ever faced a complex topic that left your audience scratching their heads? I can take a complex topic, break it into its components, and make it easier to understand. Your audience won't leave confused; they'll leave enlightened and ready for more.Don't simply tell a story--create an experience. Let's elevate your content so your audience doesn't just trust you, they feel at home.


The National Network for Early Language Learning hosts a Twitter chat, #Earlylang chat, twice a month. One challenge we faced was providing a summary for those not able to participate in the chat. We hired Brenda Morales to read the Twitter chat, which is no easy task, and to write a summary that accurately reflects the general tempo of the conversation, while also capturing salient points made by individuals. Brenda has been writing these summaries for us for three years and we are delighted with the quality of her work, which is so instrumental in providing content to those members (and soon to be members) unable to participate. We place her summaries, along with each topic's keywords on our website in order to boost search engine optimization.
--Nathan Lutz
Past Member of NNELL


Want to discuss your projects?Email me at [email protected]You can also click the links to see my social media profiles.